Unlock Your Potential Refund Today!

Discover If You're Eligible for a Refund on Car Finance Interest & FeesWere You Persuaded to Choose Costly Dealer Finance Without Knowing About Hidden Commissions? You Might Qualify for a Refund!

Let Us Handle the Paperwork and Guide You in Reclaiming Refunds on Interest and Fees from Eligible Car Finance Agreements. Start Your Check Now!

Check Your Eligibility Now For a REFUND On The Interest & Fees You Paid On Your Car Finance Agreements

If You Were Convinced To Use The Expensive Car Finance From A Dealership And Weren't Told About The Secret Commissions They Received You Could Be Eligible For A Refund

We'll find all your paperwork for you, and help you claim back a refund on the interest and fees you paid on eligible agreements. Check now.

  • Expert Advice

  • Easy Claim Process

  • No Win No Fee

Important Information

Claim Right UK does not provide legal advice; our role is focused solely on the processing and administration of Car Finance Compensation claims. It's important to know that using a claims management company like ours is not mandatory for making a claim. You have the option to seek redress through the Financial Ombudsman Service without any cost.

Easy 3 Steps to Claim


Check your eligibility.

Credit Check

Search your credit history for possible claims.

Start Claim

Upload ID and sign documentation so we can get the proof and refer your claim.

Undisclosed Car Finance Commission Claims

Our No Win, No Fee Success Fee for assisting with your Car Finance Compensation claim varies depending on the expert panel member to whom we refer you. The highest fee that our legal panel might charge as a success fee is 48% inclusive of VAT. Please be aware that a termination fee may apply if you decide to cancel your claim with a panel member after the cooling off period. We receive a referral fee from our panel members for successful referrals. Rest assured, Claim Right UK does not charge you for our referral service.

  • Guaranteed No Win, No Fee Policy

  • Complimentary Evaluation of Your Case

  • Expert Panel Specializing in Finance Claims

  • Streamlined Claim Submission Process

Hidden Commission Recovery on Car FinanceDid you acquire a vehicle through financing within the last decade and a half? Statistics indicate a high possibility that you unknowingly paid a concealed commission as part of your finance deal. Discover how you can reclaim this undisclosed fee with Claim Right UK. Start your journey towards financial recompense now.

Compensation Claims for Financed Vehicles - Past and Present

“Some motor dealers are overcharging unsuspecting customers over £1000 in interest charges in order to obtain bigger commission payouts for themselves. This is unacceptable.”

Jonathan Davidson, former director of supervision for retail and authorisations at the FCA

“Some motor dealers are overcharging unsuspecting customers over £1000 in interest charges in order to obtain bigger commission payouts for themselves. This is unacceptable.”

Jonathan Davidson, former director of supervision for retail and authorisations at the FCA

  • Expert Advice

  • Easy Claim Process

  • No Win No Fee

What Is The Undisclosed Commission Scandal?

A groundbreaking investigation by the FCA revealed that an astounding 95% of car finance agreements in the UK, including PCP and HP, involved undisclosed commission payments. At Claim Right UK, we suspect that a significant number of consumers were kept in the dark about these commissions when signing their finance contracts, entitling them to rightful compensation.

When you purchase a vehicle through a finance arrangement, it's the duty of either the lender or the broker to fully disclose the details of your agreement. It's essential for you to make a well-informed decision, understanding all aspects of the deal, ensuring it aligns with your interests rather than those of the salesperson. If you were left uninformed about any commission involved, you might be eligible for substantial compensation.

Examples of The Undisclosed Car Finance Scandal

If you suspect that you've been unfairly locked into a finance deal, initiating a claim with Claim Right UK could be your pathway to exiting the agreement and reclaiming any hidden commission fees. Even if you haven't incurred a financial loss, if your car finance agreement doesn't suit your financial needs, you might have a strong case for a mis-selling claim. Let us help you navigate through this process and secure the compensation you deserve.

Understanding the Concealed Commission Controversy in Car Finance

The undisclosed commission scandal was first brought to light by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in 2019. Their investigation, involving mystery shoppers at 122 car dealerships, found that only 11 of these dealerships disclosed the addition of commission in their finance deals.Based on the FCA's findings, you might have been impacted by this scandal if you received inadequate or misleading advice regarding your car finance options, or if you were kept in the dark about any commission charges included in your agreement.Both Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) and Hire Purchase (HP) agreements are types of loans used to facilitate the purchase of a vehicle. These financing options are typically offered by car dealerships to customers who are unable to pay the full price upfront. At PSOW Ltd, we are committed to helping you understand if you've been affected by this scandal and guiding you through the process of claiming rightful compensation for any undisclosed commissions.

“We have around 200 complaints from consumers unhappy about the levels of commission they’ve paid on their car finance agreements.”

Bea Lovestone, policy advisor at the Financial Ombudsman Service

“Some motor dealers are overcharging unsuspecting customers over £1000 in interest charges in order to obtain bigger commission payouts for themselves. This is unacceptable.”

Jonathan Davidson, former director of supervision for retail and authorisations at the FCA

Key Indicators for a Potential PCP or HP Car Finance Claim

If you've engaged in a Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) or Hire Purchase (HP) car finance agreement, there are several crucial factors that could indicate you're eligible for a claim due to the undisclosed car finance scandal. Claim Right UK specializes in identifying and acting on these key indicators:

Lack of Transparency

If the details about commission payments were not clearly explained or were entirely omitted during your finance agreement process.

Misleading Financial Advice

Receiving advice that was not in your best interest or failed to accurately represent the financial implications of the car finance agreement.

Incomplete or Vague Contractual Information

Contracts that lack comprehensive details about the costs and terms of the agreement, including the impact of commission fees on your overall financial obligations.

Pressure to Accept Specific Deals

If you felt coerced into accepting a particular finance option without adequate time to consider alternatives or fully understand the terms.

Claim Right UK is dedicated to helping clients navigate these complex scenarios and pursue fair compensation if they've been affected by the undisclosed car finance scandal. Our team is ready to assess your situation and advise on the potential for a successful claim.

The Claim Right UK Claim Process:

Simplified and Efficient

At Claim Right UK, we've streamlined our process to make your claim experience as hassle-free and effective as possible. Our team of experts does the heavy lifting, meticulously evaluating your eligibility and hunting down the necessary finance agreements. Here's a step-by-step overview of our end-to-end process:

Our team at Claim Right UK is committed to providing a transparent and supportive journey throughout the claim process, keeping you informed and involved at every stage. Let us take the lead in securing the compensation you deserve.

  • Initial Consultation: Begin with a simple conversation with our team, where we gather basic information about your situation and finance agreements.

  • Eligibility Assessment: Our panel of finance claim specialists reviews your case to determine if you're eligible for a claim, leveraging their expertise to identify key indicators of undisclosed commissions.

  • Document Retrieval and Analysis: We undertake a thorough search for all relevant finance agreements and closely examine them for any signs of undisclosed commissions.

  • Detailed Case Building: Once we've established the presence of undisclosed commissions, we meticulously compile all the evidence and build a strong, comprehensive case on your behalf.

  • Claim Submission and Negotiation: We handle the submission of your claim and engage in negotiations, aiming to secure the maximum possible compensation for you.

  • Resolution and Compensation: Our goal is to achieve a favorable outcome for you. Once successful, we ensure that the compensation is promptly processed and delivered to you.

Eligibility Criteria for Hidden Car Finance Commission Claims

At Claim Right UK, we are dedicated to assisting those impacted by undisclosed car finance commissions. You may be eligible to claim compensation for hidden commission if you meet the following criteria:

Our team of experienced legal experts will assess your individual case to determine your eligibility. We will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you have the support and expertise needed to pursue your claim. If these conditions apply to you, reach out to Claim Right UK for a thorough and professional evaluation of your case. Let us help you claim what you rightfully deserve.

  • Finance Agreement Timeline: Your car finance agreement was initiated between 2014 and December 31st, 2020.

  • Presence of Undisclosed Commission: There is evidence that undisclosed commission was included in your finance agreement.

Potential Compensation for Car Finance Claims

The amount you could claim for car finance compensation can vary, but evidence indicates that some customers might have paid up to £1,100 more than necessary due to undisclosed commissions. The exact compensation amount is influenced by several factors, which our team at Claim Right UK will carefully evaluate:

Our expert panel of solicitors will assess your individual situation to determine your eligibility for a car finance claim and provide an estimation of the compensation you might be able to recover. With Claim Right UK, you can rest assured that we will diligently work to uncover the full extent of your potential claim and strive to retrieve the maximum compensation due to you.

  • Loan Size: Generally, the larger the loan amount, the higher the potential undisclosed commission, which means you could be owed more.

  • Duration of the Loan: The longer you have been paying off the loan, the greater the cumulative effect of any undisclosed commission, increasing the potential compensation.

  • Interest Rate Discrepancy: The difference between the interest rate you were charged and what you should have been quoted can significantly impact the compensation amount.

Evidence Underpinning the Car Finance Scandal

The car finance scandal, as investigated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), revealed significant findings in their March 2019 report focusing on PCP (Personal Contract Purchase) and HP (Hire Purchase) agreements in the automotive sector. Key evidence from their investigation includes:

At Claim Right UK, we leverage this evidence to build strong cases for our clients, helping them understand the implications of these findings on their specific agreements and guiding them in pursuing appropriate compensation. This scandal's scope and the FCA's findings underscore the importance of thorough evaluation and professional guidance in such claims.

  • Prevalence of Finance Agreements: Approximately 90% of new cars in the UK are purchased through finance agreements, indicating a potentially widespread impact affecting millions of UK residents.

  • Lack of Commission Disclosure: Among the 122 car dealerships visited by mystery shoppers, only 11 explicitly stated that commission would be added to these finance deals.

  • Excessive Charges: Customers were typically found to be charged £1,100 more through car finance agreements compared to other financing methods.

  • Ownership Misunderstanding: Only 31% of finance brokers clarified to customers under PCP/HP agreements that they do not own the vehicle until all payments are completed.

Why Choose Claim Right UK for Your Car Finance Claim

At Claim Right UK, we understand the complexities of mis-sold car finance claims and are here to make your claim process as seamless and stress-free as possible. Here's why choosing us for your claim is a wise decision:

Expert Legal Panel

Our team consists of specialized solicitors with extensive experience in car finance claims. They are adept at bringing forth claims effectively, ensuring that all relevant information is meticulously gathered.

Hassle-Free Process

Utilizing our free tool, we streamline the process by collecting all necessary details to initiate a claim against your lender. This approach simplifies the procedure for you, minimizing any inconvenience.

Comprehensive Support

Begin your journey towards justice and compensation with Claim Right UK. We’re here to guide you every step of the way. Check your eligibility today and take the first step towards reclaiming what is rightfully yours.

  • Expert Advice

  • Easy Claim Process

  • No Win No Fee

Important Information

Claim Right UK does not provide legal advice; our role is focused solely on the processing and administration of Car Finance Compensation claims. It's important to know that using a claims management company like ours is not mandatory for making a claim. You have the option to seek redress through the Financial Ombudsman Service without any cost.


Hinton Chambers

Hinton Rd, Bournemouth, BH1 2EN

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08000 614 199


Claim Right UK is a trading name of Prestige Stratton Oakmont Worldwide Ltd
Registered Address - Hinton Chambers, Hinton Road, Bournemouth, BH1 2EN